But I'll make it up to you, I have a couple of different nuggets of information that I've picked up from the last year that have changed my makeup life.
So I'll start with the tips first, and the products second.
Tip 1: Use a hair dryer to heat up your eyelash curler. Warning, do not heat it too much! you will burn your eyelid and that is no buenos okay? By heating the curler, it works exactly the way a curling iron would, and keeps your curl lifted all day.
Tip 2: Okay this one is harder to explain but give me a hot minute, you can strategically place your lashes before you curl them. So while your lashes are in the position shown in the photo below, you may take your finger and position the lashes which ever way you like, you can separate them if any seem to be sticking to eachother, you may create a beautiful fanned-out effect by moving them into different positions, whatever you want really. I can't get enough of this technique.

Tip 3: Place eyelash adhesive to your lashline, as well as on the lash band. I usually place the glue all over the band, and then on my lashline in a dotted line, one stroke on the inner corner towards the tear duct, one in the middle, and then one on the outer corner of my eye, I have never had to deal with a painfully annoying lifted lash since using this technique, even through dancing for 4 hours underneath bleary hot stage lights that used to decimate most of my makeup.
Tip 4: Use Milk of Magnesia as a face primer. Sounds gross right? Wrong. This is my holy grail face primer in the summer, I've never used anything that has kept so much oil at bay for so long, and it smooths out texture like large pores and acne scarring. It is the only primer I use when I'm performing as well. It's perfection.
Tip 5: This is a tip that I picked up from a YouTuber Nikkitutorials, If you have dryer skin, using the Nivea Men's Aftershave Balm as a primer is fantastic. I use this primer in the winter and it has truly converted me to using it for all my dry skinned clients.
Alrighty, now it's time for the products I've become attached to over this past year.
The Sephora Collection Perfection Mist Airbrush Foundation is my holy grail performance foundation. The reason I specify performance is because this foundation retails at about 28.00 USD and even though it comes with about 2.5 fl oz (whereas the standard foundation bottle comes with about 1 fl oz) it comes in a spray-can sort of packaging, and when sprayed it releases a crap ton of product so in all reality you only get about 3 to 4 full faces with one can. But it looks amazing in photos, lasts all damn day and is very resistant to oil, and because whenever my dance studio puts on a bigger show, I always do a lot of girls' makeup and full stage makeup takes a very long time to do, and my specific routine that I have developed is very complicated, but with this foundation I can spray it all over the face, buff it in with a flat-top face brush and move on to the next step, it saves me so much time I'd make love to it if I could. I will be uploading a video/detailed product list of my full 30 foot stage makeup routine when it comes time in the dance season for me to perform on a stage that large again.
Now for every day makeup, which I will also be uploading a detailed product list/video on, I usually wear a tinted moisturizer and the Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Fouldation , which I use like a finishing powder. Now contrary to the name, this powder is far from full coverage, it's a light to medium coverage for sure, but I'll tell you the thing that makes me love the powder and swear by it until I die... As this powder collects oil, it looks better and better like you wouldn't believe. Over the coarse of an hour or two your face has no trace of any texture and it's just flawless, luminous but natural and effortless.
And now, my favorite mascara as of recently is the L'oreal Extra Volume Collagen Black Mascara. I don't know who sold their soul to make a formula this close to Jesus's eyelashes but whoever did it deserves a Nobel peace prize because holy fuck. It lengthens, it volumizes, it separates, it's only issue is that even with the hair dryer eyelash curler trick, the lashes still sag over time. But still, it's not a horrible ammount of sag, just a little bit, I still love it.
And that's it! That's the highlights of the makeup year. I'll probably make a post about the worst products I've stumbled upon over this year in the future.
Ta-Ta for now.
God bless.