Indevidual false eyelashes |
I know from personal experience that fake eyelashes can be pretty
intimidating, I started experimenting with them when I was pretty young. But I'm here to tell you it's not all that scary. Lets start with the basics.
There are two kinds of false lashes, individual false lashes and strip eyelashes, and today we're going to cover applying them both.
Individual lashes come in a packaging just like the photo given. They commonly come in three lengths, short, medium and long, all tied at the bottom in a little knot. before attaching the eyelashes to our lid, we need to apply the glue. Make sure to purchase lash adhesive, as anything else would be very harmful to your eyes and would likely be very obvious. Now, I place a dot of adhesive on the back of my hand, and place the knots of 5 or 6 individuals inside it, keep in mind that we aren't attempting to cover the entirety of our lashline in these babies, just about half so we get the full, flared out and fluffy look we're hoping to achieve. While the lashes are resting in your glue, wait about a minute for it to dry, sometimes I like to curl and coat my lashes lightly with one layer of mascara while this is happening, it will help to support the falsies more easily. Once the glue is tacky, take a pare of tweezers, pick up the first knot and start at the outermost corner of our top lashline, place the first knot very very closely to our natural lash line make sure there's no gap in between your real lashes and the fake ones.
Continue this technique until you've covered the desired area on both eyes. Coat lashes in 1/2 coats more of mascara, click here to go to a post of mine full of helpful mascara tricks you might find useful.
Voualla! Sexy, lush, full lashes made easy.
Now to tackle Strip Lashes.
Strip lashes are, I'd say, a little more difficult to apply, and far less natural looking than individuals. I like to use them for formal dances, or performing. There are lots of different styles of this particular kind of false lash, but they're usually described very well on the packaging so you know exactly the kind of look you're getting with the product you purchase, whether it be a more fanned out look, or a doe-eyed innocent round shape.
To apply this product, take a pair of tweezers, and extract the lash from the packaging. Then hold the lash up to your eye to measure it. If the outer corner of the strip extends farther than the outer corner of your eye, take a pair of nail clippers or scissors and cut it to fit. However, never cut from the inner corner, the lashes become finer and more thin at this part of the lash, to help it seem as if it's blending into your natural lashes, if you cut this part, it'll look rather funny. I also like to curl my lashes and coat them lightly in mascara before applying these lashes as well.
After measuring and cutting off the excess lash, apply the adhesive to the strip part of the product. Note that the adhesive for individual lashes and strip lashes are different. So look carefully at the glue you're purchasing and make sure you're getting the correct one.

One more piece of advice I'd like to offer is for you to look at the color of your eyelashes. If they appear to be a lighter sort of color, such as blonde or ginger, I would suggest you browse Amazon for a blonde, ginger, or light brown pair of lashes for your eyes, and to invest in a brown eyeliner and mascara as well. This will help to make you look as "put together" as possible, because when you put black mascara on blonde lashes, often times you'll have patches of bright blonde shining through, and it's not the most flattering look. Just some food for thought.
I hope this tutorial has got you exited about false eyelashes! I know they're one of my favorite eye makeup tools to use. Especially individuals, they just add that extra oomf to any look you're sporting!
Next week I'll be starting on my face makeup series, we'll be talking about all kinds of foundation, skin types, contouring/highlighting, pretty much anything you could ask for! If you have any questions or products you'd like me to review, leave a comment below!
Ta Ta for now Lovelies!
God Bless.
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