I'll be reviewing three drugstore mascaras and one high-end mascara to show you the differences and what to look out for.
Let's go!
The first mascara I'd like to cover is Maybelline's The Rocket Volum' Express.
I purchased that mascara in a dark brown shade,
just to accentuate my eyecolor. By the first application I already disliked it, It did not give my lashes any volume, instead I found it clumped no matter how hard I tried, or how little product I used. After about a month or two it had already dried out. Removing this mascara was a chore, I had to wait until I showered the next morning and use two different makeup removers to get it to come off. However this is a problem you face with almost every water-resistant mascara is that it...well... resists water.
Overall stars out of 5: *
Overall stars out of 5: *
The next mascara I'd like to discuss is the Revlon Lash Potion Grow Luscious Volume and Length mascara.
Pro's: Beautiful dark brown color, applies quickly, provides fair volume.
Con's: Transfers onto your lid, takes a very long time to dry, clumping isn't a huge problem with this mascara however it's still an obstacle.
After purchasing the Rocket mascara I found the Revlon Lash Potion. I was quick to enjoy this mascara, it had a wonderful color, and didn't clump on the first coat. It didn't quite give me as much drama as I was hoping for, but it was still a good every-day mascara. I purchased this product in Blackened-Brown, coupled with a darker brown gel eyeliner it looked great. There isn't much more to say about this other than it's a good standby mascara when you need something quick and not-too-dramatic. Would I repurchase it? Probably not, it was just a bit run-of-the-mill for my taste.
Stars out of 5: * * *
Let's talk about falsies now. We've all heard of these mascaras, some beauty gurus swear by them. I however, have had a different experience.
I've tried a lot of this brand of mascara, but I'm going to talk about The Falsies Winged mascara today.
Pro's: Rich dark black color, potion was not too thick or dry, lasted for months.
Con's: Did not wing lashes as advertised, transfers badly, clumps, hard to apply.
This mascara was indeed high-drama, that can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how it was applied. It was a very picky mixture, and with the slightly confusing curved wand, it was an adventure to figure out how to use. Once you solve the puzzle however it's a fairly decent product. I was not too overly impressed as when you would apply over one coat it would become overly shiny, as if it was too oily. I don't think I'll be purchasing this again, but if you're feeling brave go ahead and try it for yourself and tell me how it worked for you!
Now for our high-end mascara.
I'll be reviewing the Sephora Outrageous Volume brand product today, a reasonable beginning step into the confusing realm of the professional makeup world.
Pro's: Deepest black color I'd ever received in a mascara, high-drama, great length, a well-rounded product for the beginning makeup artist.
Con's: Very thick potion, causes lashes to clump rather easily, becomes flaky after a few hours of wear.
It's a bit of a trick to get this mascara not to clump, but it can be done, which is more than I could say for some of our drugstore counterparts. It just takes very little product and no more than one coat of the mascara. However, that is all you need of this product, the color is so rich and the product is so thick one layer is all you need. It's a great tool for people who are interested in starting into the
professional makeup scene. It was my first Sephora product and I'll always love it, even thought it was a little frustrating to apply. Not only was the volume spectacular, the length was wonderful as well. Always a 'love it' product, I highly recommend it, although it isn't the mascara I'm using currently (which I love even more than the mascara I'm talking about today, this mascara will have a separate review, where I'll be talking about mascara wands and the difference in lash potions separately). The product would transfer a little, but only if you pushed your lashes up into your lid, so that really wasn't an issue.
I'll be reviewing the Sephora Outrageous Volume brand product today, a reasonable beginning step into the confusing realm of the professional makeup world.
Pro's: Deepest black color I'd ever received in a mascara, high-drama, great length, a well-rounded product for the beginning makeup artist.
Con's: Very thick potion, causes lashes to clump rather easily, becomes flaky after a few hours of wear.
It's a bit of a trick to get this mascara not to clump, but it can be done, which is more than I could say for some of our drugstore counterparts. It just takes very little product and no more than one coat of the mascara. However, that is all you need of this product, the color is so rich and the product is so thick one layer is all you need. It's a great tool for people who are interested in starting into the
professional makeup scene. It was my first Sephora product and I'll always love it, even thought it was a little frustrating to apply. Not only was the volume spectacular, the length was wonderful as well. Always a 'love it' product, I highly recommend it, although it isn't the mascara I'm using currently (which I love even more than the mascara I'm talking about today, this mascara will have a separate review, where I'll be talking about mascara wands and the difference in lash potions separately). The product would transfer a little, but only if you pushed your lashes up into your lid, so that really wasn't an issue.
Over all I love this product and I recommend it to everyone who is willing to spend a little more time on their makeup daily, just to make sure it's applied correctly.
Total stars out of 5: * * * *
That's my product review for you this week! Next week I'll talk about tips and tricks to help your mascaras last longer, and helpful hints on how to apply it like a pro, with no clumps and perfectly lush lashes every time!
Until next week.
God Bless,
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